I love it when someone comes to me and wants something a little crazy. Something most folks love the look of, but would never actually be brave enough to do. I’ve been lucky enough to have had two of those clients so far in my short painting career. Both came to me and said – I love crazy, bright colored wallpaper, but I can’t find what I want. They said – We love your work, paint your little heart out on our walls! They said – We trust you and can’t wait to see what you do! Folks, no pressure here!
The first was for two sweet girls and their shared bathroom. They had painted the cabinets the brightest hot pink (I just about died what I saw it you guys). Brass fixtures, marble countertops…. a dream for any girl, young or old! I did some really pretty color washes on every inch of their walls, and I feel kinda like you’re inside a rainbow when you’re in there.
The second was for a mom who wanted to enjoy doing laundry a little bit more. Really, that’s what she said. Maybe I’ll actually enjoy laundry now! She wanted a bold, almost splattered sort of look, and opted to also paint the ceiling – which was a total game changer for that room! It definitely upped the rad-factor, and made it feel much more high-end.
For both of these projects, I presented color options to the client, and we whittled it down from there. From there, I went to my happy place, painting away based on the examples of the stuff they liked. And the icing on the cake for what I think made this uber successful – Both also had paintable wallpaper installed before I put a brushstroke on the wall. You guys. This stuff is amazing. It covers up that horrible orange peel texture we all have on our walls, and it comes in a ton of different patterns. And since it’s made to be painted on, you don’t have to worry about what paint will do to it. This stuff was a dream, and I’d install it in a heartbeat in my own home. You know, when I find the magic door that makes my house a little bigger.
I think bathrooms and laundry rooms are the perfect spaces to experiment with bold color. They are typically smaller areas and won’t be as overwhelming as painting your living room kelly green. Not that I know anyone who’s done that and regretted it 😉 So be daring in your color! What’s the worst thing that can happen?
Do you want to go bold in a space in your home? Shoot me an email at hello@amandasneedart.com and let’s chat!